About me

I am a tenure-track Associate Professor in School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China. Before that, I was a research fellow in School of Physics and Mathematical Science (SPMS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), advised by Prof. Zhenzhen Yan. Prior to that, I completed my Ph.D. at NTU, supervised by Prof. Xiaohui Bei, and graduated with B.E. in computer science and B.S. (double major) in economics at Tsinghua University. Here is my CV.

My research interests include topics at the interface between operations research, computer science and economics.
Most recently, I have been studying problems in

  • Online Resource Allocation, Online Learning and Data-Driven Algorithms
  • Large Language Model for Online Decision Making

If you are interested in these topics, please feel free to contact me!

Contact: haowangsom[at]ustc.edu.cn mrwang0917[at]gmail.com